Rock Star, Broad Bean and Mint Crostini

40 Mins
6 people
Home Recipes By Product Rock Star Rock Star, Broad Bean and Mint Crostini


  • 1 small rustic baguette
  • 150g frozen broad beans
  • 100g frozen petits pois
  • Pinch of sea salt and black pepper
  • Small handful fresh mint, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 lemon, zested and juiced
  • 75g Rock Star


  • Thinly slice the bread into small rounds then toast under the grill on both sides. Arrange on a large board or platter.
  • Bring a small pan of water to the boil and add the frozen broad beans. Simmer for two minutes then scoop out the beans with a slotted spoon and cool in a bowl of cold water.
  • If the broad beans aren’t already shelled, pinch the tough skin then gently squeeze out the beans into a bowl. and roughly mash together, leaving some whole.
  • Season with salt and pepper then stir in the chopped mint, olive oil, lemon zest and most of the juice.
  • Crumble half of the Rock Star into the bowl and stir, adding more lemon juice if needed. Pile the topping onto the crostini and scatter over the rest of the crumbled cheese. Finish with a little more mint.