Black Bomber, avocado and chicken toasted sandwich

40 Mins
4 people
Home Recipes By Product Black Bomber Black Bomber, avocado and chicken toasted sandwich


  • 2 slices of sourdough bread, toasted
  • Avocado
  • Crème fraîche
  • Baby spinach
  • Shredded chicken
  • 50g Black Bomber, grated
  • Black pepper

Midweek lunches don’t have to be boring – here, we liven up the classic toasted sandwich with smashed avocado, crème fraîche, shredded chicken and a generous serving of melted Black Bomber extra mature Cheddar. Delicious!


  • Lightly toast the sourdough and spread with the smashed avocado.
  • Mix the Crème fraiche with spinach and chicken, season to taste.
  • Top with grated Black Bomber and heat under a hot grill until the cheese has melted.